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137 news items

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  1. Online discussions about entrepreneurship

    As part of the Youth at Heart virtual forum, Orange Corners organized several online interactive discussions about ...

    News item | 30-10-2020 | 17:27

  2. 5x How do you experience the pandemic? Eriss Khajira

    How do young people from different countries cope with the pandemic? How does it affect their education and their work? What ...

    News item | 30-10-2020 | 10:31

  3. How investments help young entrepeneurs

    Amr Fawzi  founded GoodsMart: a platform and delivery company that brings groceries to Egyptian households. When he received an ...

    News item | 28-10-2020 | 12:17

  4. Child refugee from Yarmouk plays vital role during COVID-19

    Kotada Yonus, a former child refugee, is the founder and CEO of one of Sweden’s biggest news agencies Aktarr. It might sound ...

    News item | 27-10-2020 | 17:24

  5. Green jobs for youth: what works and what’s missing?

    Rural young people are increasingly concerned about the environment. Many of them work in sectors that are threatened by climate ...

    News item | 27-10-2020 | 11:15

  6. 5x How do you experience the pandemic? Titilope Adedokun

    How do young people from different countries cope with the pandemic? How does it affect their education and their work? What ...

    News item | 26-10-2020 | 14:07

  7. Program "Equipping Young Peacemakers" will train young leaders

    Hezha Mohammed Khan is one of thousands of youth across the Middle East and North Africa dedicated to making the world a better ...

    News item | 21-10-2020 | 12:28

  8. Digital innovations can create a better world

    Tech entrepreneur Tey El-Rjula aimes to positively influence the lives of billions of people. “We can use digital innovations and ...

    News item | 20-10-2020 | 13:21

  9. Quality education leads to economic progress

    Better education does not start with building a school or handing out books, says Charif Hamidi (31). He founded his company ...

    News item | 16-10-2020 | 14:36

  10. YiP Youth Lab: everyone deserves a second chance

    The Youth Lab of Young in Prison (YiP) is a select group of youth who use their past experience in youth detention to improve the ...

    News item | 16-10-2020 | 11:48