UNICEF Report Talent on the Move: 'Talent is universal, opportunities are not'
UNICEF launched their flagship report Talent on the Move, developed together with the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth, and the Prospects Partnership. Powered by the voices of youth, this report harnessed the technology of U-Report to ask 8,764 young people aged between 14 and 24, of whom 3,157 self-identified as a migrant, refugee or internally displaced, if they feel heard and invited them to share their aspirations to learn and earn, and the unique barriers they face.

What was the U-Report poll about?
As part of an effort to listen to the voices of young people on the move, UNICEF worked with U-Report, a messaging programme for adolescent, youth and community participation that amplifies the voices of 15 million U-Reporters in 81 countries.
Launched in May 2021, the poll ran over 4 weeks on 5 independent U-Report platforms: at global level, regionally through the interagency Uniendo Voces platform targeting Venezuelan migrants and refugees living in Ecuador, Brazil and Bolivia, and through national U-Report programs in Iraq, Kenya, Lebanon and Uganda. The questions focused on aspirations and barriers to learning and earning.
See also our previous post: Amplifying young people’s voices: Launch of the U Report poll on ‘Learning to Earning’

Key findings of the ‘Talent on the Move’ report
What youth on the move want to learn: |
While talent is universal, opportunity is not
The Talent on the Move report highlights the potential of young migrants, internally displaced or refugees as changemakers, leaders and innovators. The poll exposed the gap between the aspirations of young people – and their opportunities. The voices of young people are a call for action for all of us to do more to bridge the gap between aspirations and opportunities and unlock young people’s untapped talent on the move.