Amplifying young people’s voices: Launch of the U Report poll on ‘Learning to Earning’
Young people worldwide are facing obstacles accessing (quality) education and (decent) employment. For young people on the move, this is often even more complicated.

To understand the biggest barriers and aspirations of young people, UNICEF launched the poll “Right to be Heard - Transition from learning to earning”. This poll has been co-created with Prospect partners and youth on the move. It focuses on priorities in education and income generation, obstacles and aspirations, as well as opportunities and challenges to youth engagement and participation.
The poll will run on the U-Report platform which provides a platform for young people to participate and provide real time feedback on issues that matter to them. U-Report reaches nearly 13 million young people worldwide through their phones and other devices via SMS or social networks, such as Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Viber and others.
Meaningful participation
U-Report On The Move has been developed in recent years as a special feature platform specifically to meet the needs and reach youth on the move in countries as diverse as like Iraq, Mexico, Italy, Ecuador or Colombia. It is U-Report’s vision to amplify the voices of forcibly displaced young people while ensuring their meaningful participation in different online and offline activities to support inclusion and create change.
Prospects Partnership
The Netherlands takes joint action together with the IFC, ILO, UNHCR, UNICEF, and the WB to support youth in forcibly displaced and host communities under the Prospects Partnership. The poll findings will help understand barriers and opportunities youth face in their ‘learning-to-earning’ pathways. It will also inform programmes, including Prospects, as well as provide an opportunity for young people, especially those on the move, to amplify their voice.
Join the talk and share your opinion!
Are you a young person and do you want to share your opinion about access to education and employment? Fill in the poll before 27 May.
Click on one of these links to share your opinion:
We are very excited about this joint effort and thank you in advance for your support by sharing your opinion and amplifying your voice! You have the right to be heard.