Call for proposals: meaningful participation of women and youth in peacebuilding
The United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) supports women and youth through its Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative (GYPI) in 25 countries worldwide. The GYPI welcomes new proposals for meaningful participation in peacebuilding.

The United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) has a special window for peacebuilding support to women and youth through its Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative in 25 countries worldwide. This year’s subthemes are twofold, with one of them focusing on: promotion and strengthening of mental health and psychosocial well-being (MHPSS) for women and youth as part of local peacebuilding processes. There are different options of handing in proposals, by UN organisations and NGO’s or in combination. The first deadline for the concept notes is the 18th of June.
Webinar on MHPSS
In the coming weeks, the Peacebuilding Fund will organize some webinars to explain the procedures, including a webinar on MHPSS on the 26th of May. Considering the importance of the theme of MHPSS in peacebuilding, especially for young people, we hope the PBF will receive many high quality proposals, including from members of the Youth at Heart network. For background information on the Netherlands initiative for the UN Peacebuilding Architecture Review on the enhanced integration of MHPSS in peacebuilding, please read this document: ‘Mind the Past to Build the Future: Integrating MHPSS in Peace Building.’