On Internationals Women’s Day we promote school enrolment for girls

‘Going to school for me was a miracle, as I was already booked for marriage’, says Selina from Kenya. Lucky for her, with support from education programmes such as Global Partnership for Education, she could. On International Women's day, minister Kaag announced an additional €50 million to ensure that more girls can go to school.


Investing in access to education, especially during this pandemic, is crucial. Therefore The Netherlands makes an additional €50 million available to ensure that more children, and in particular girls, in countries like Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria, can attend school. The Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Sigrid Kaag, announced the extra support on International Women’s Day, Monday 8 March.

‘Education is a fundamental human right and an investment in the future of every girl and every boy. With a good education they can give direction to their own lives. Education also provides opportunities for better work and a decent income,’ says the minister.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic many schools have closed their doors and children are not being taught. Many children, girls in particular, will not return when schools do eventually reopen. Without an education girls are at higher risk of forced or arranged marriage, early pregnancy and insufficient income.

Remove barriers for girls
‘It is very important to remove barriers for girls to access education, including pregnant girls and women’, according to Josephine from Sierra Leone. She was almost banned from school because she was pregnant, but she fought back and could go back during her pregnancy. Nowadays she successfully promotes girls’ education in Sierra Leone.

Minister Kaag had a conversation with Selina and Josephine about girls and education, and the effect of Covid-19: