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137 news items

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  1. Nigeria's Youth Empowerment: A Path to Unlocking Potential Amid Challenges

    In an effort to unlock the untapped potential of Nigeria's vibrant young population, the Dutch Ambassador for Youth, Education & ...

    News item | 13-07-2023 | 16:43

  2. Intergenerational Dialogue on TVET and higher Education in Jonglei State, South Sudan

    With the growing need for intergenerational dialogues in South Sudan, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in South Sudan ...

    News item | 28-06-2023 | 15:10

  3. NL MFA Welcomes New Cohort of Youth Advisory Committee

    The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NL MFA) is thrilled to announce the addition of a new cohort to its esteemed Youth ...

    News item | 01-06-2023 | 09:59

  4. Ambassadors and young people talk about meaningful youth participation

    Worldwide, there are more than 1.8 billion young people – the highest number ever. In particular, countries in Africa and the ...

    News item | 06-04-2023 | 14:38

  5. The run-up to the UN water conference: an Intergenerational Dialogue on Climate Change and Natural resources in South Sudan

    On 11th March 2023, The Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in  South Sudan, Youth and Society- Africa and University of Juba ...

    News item | 22-03-2023 | 17:29

  6. Spread the word: Recruiting new members Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)

    To give young people a voice in its policy processes, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), in collaboration with the National ...

    News item | 14-03-2023 | 08:33

  7. For All Generations

    From the 5-9th of March, the Fifth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) took place in Doha, Qatar. The 46 least ...

    News item | 09-03-2023 | 16:50

  8. Ambassador for Youth, Education, and Work visits Amman

    Ambassador Jurriaan Middelhoff visited Amman recently and had a busy schedule that focused on empowering young people. The a ...

    News item | 13-02-2023 | 16:01

  9. Ambassador Jurriaan Middelhoff meets the Youth Advisory Committee

    In November 2022, Jurriaan Middelhoff started as Ambassador for Youth, Education and Work. Jurriaan's first months mainly ...

    News item | 01-02-2023 | 15:38

  10. Intergenerational Dialogues in South Sudan: bringing generations together to build a peaceful nation

    On  November 2nd, 2022, The Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in South Sudan, in partnership with Youth and Society- Africa ...

    News item | 28-11-2022 | 09:26