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137 news items

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  1. All children have the right to be protected and respected

    Lucy Meyer advocates for inclusion of people with disabilities in society: they should be able to get a good education, to ...

    News item | 14-10-2020 | 08:45

  2. Youth-led research for Youth at Heart Virtual Forum

    Restless Development has formed a group of 12 young co-researchers from Sahel, Horn of Africa and MENA regions to execute a two ...

    News item | 08-10-2020 | 10:13

  3. Young people have to become more politically involved

    Wani Saki Michael Lotiyu (30), from South Sudan, is encouraging young people the world over to become politically engaged. He is ...

    News item | 06-10-2020 | 20:02

  4. 5x How do you experience the pandemic? Lisa de Pagter

    How do young people from different countries cope with the pandemic? How does it affect their education and their work? What ...

    News item | 05-10-2020 | 16:35

  5. Orange Corners road to YOUTH @ HEART virtual forum sessions

    As part of the Youth at Heart virtual forum, Orange Corners organizes 4 online interactive discussions about entrepreneurship. ...

    News item | 29-09-2020 | 11:08

  6. One Young World’s #TogetherApart Series

    The global non-profit organisation One Young World recently created a series of videos entitled #TogetherApart. The series aims ...

    News item | 28-09-2020 | 08:53

  7. Global Report on Youth & COVID-19

    Recently the International Labour Organization presented a study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth. The study ...

    News item | 24-09-2020 | 13:52