Youth Ambassador's visit to Mozambique and meetings with the Youth Advisory Board
Between 26th and 30th of August 2024, the Ambassador for Youth, Education and Work visited Mozambique for a lively and impressive program, focussing on youth empowerment and their meaningful participation more broadly. Read further to get an insight into the trip, as written by members of local Youth Advisory Board and colleagues from the Embassy.

Mozambique and youth
The Youth Advisory Board of the Netherlands Embassy in Mozambique had the privilege of hosting the visit of the Youth Ambassador from the 26th to the 30th of August 2024. The trip focused on engaging with Mozambican youth and specifically visited the regions of Maputo city, Pemba (Cabo Delgado province), Beira (Sofala province) and Chimoio (Manica province).
This visit highlighted the Netherlands' commitment to empowering young persons through education, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development initiatives, particularly in areas such as agribusiness, peace-building and vocational training.
The Youth Ambassador, together with members of the Youth Advisory Board (YAB) and many young persons from the visited regions, took part in a series of discussions, site visits and collaborative events. These aimed to address the challenges Mozambican youth faces and to create opportunities for overcoming them.
Discussions on culture, entrepreneurship, and active participation in decision-making
In Maputo, one of the highlights was a visit to two local entrepreneurs. One of them worked with capulana textile design, portraying the local culture, and trying to preserve its authenticity. Since many of this kind of textile is currently imported, the young entrepreneur was an important player in preserving the original designs.
Another memorable moment was the conversation with members from the Youth Advisory Board of the French Embassy, as well as the one from the EU. The interaction resulted in discussions on the challenges and opportunities for young persons in Mozambique, or how the Netherlands can support the Mozambican government to improve meaningful youth participation in decision-making.
Additionally, the discussion went in on creating public policies which not only consider the immediate needs of youth, but also ensure their inclusion in long-term development processes. The discussants indicated their determination to demand the creation of policies that favour job creation, access to quality education and the promotion of entrepreneurial initiatives.
For young persons to make informed choices about their future, they need an environment that offers economic security and equitable opportunities. This ongoing dialogue between young leaders and diplomatic representatives demonstrates that international cooperation, combined with youth activism, has the potential to contribute significantly to a more inclusive future.
Meeting with young green entrepreneurs and environmental activists
After discussions on culture and meaningful youth participation, the ambassador joined members from the Youth Platform for Climate Action (YCAC-MOZ), as well as young green entrepreneurs from the Orange Corners network.
During the meeting, the young entrepreneurs shared their experiences in Mozambique and gave their views on the potential synergies to be formed for making green entrepreneurship in the country more robust.
To share the state of mind among youth, the Youth Platform for Climate Action (YCAC-MOZ) handed over the Children and Youth Declaration on Climate Change to the ambassador, mainly based on the outcomes of the Second Children and Youth Conference on Climate Change that YCAC-MOZ organized.
Together with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Mozambique, Elsbeth Akkerman, and the Head of Cooperation, Maarten Rusch, the declaration was presented and discussed.

Youth challenges and inspirations during the youth ambassador's visit to Cabo Delgado
After spending time in Maputo, the YAB members and the ambassador visited Cabo Delgado. The goal of the visit to this part of the country related to opportunities for local youth. Difficulties in access to education, health, and drinking water – as well as a lack of funding for projects – were some of the main topics of discussion. These were identified as obstacles to peace and sustainable development in the region.
The low quality of education, cultural barriers, and the lack of digital and soft skills were identified as major barriers to employment, despite the opportunities offered by important stakeholders in the region (e.g., NGOs, UN agencies, and multinational companies).
The Ambassador for Youth, Education and Work took part in a meeting in the Muxara neighbourhood, where he joined young persons and met a basketball player and founder of a successful club: Jerryne Jacob. Her story of resilience and achievement served as an inspiration to the local teenagers.
The visit underlined the urgent need for improvements in education and the development of essential skills to ensure that young persons in Cabo Delgado can make better use of the opportunities available to them, as well as inspiring new generations to contribute to peace-building and socio-economic progress in the region.
Synergies and youth leadership in human rights and climate change in Beira
After Cabo Delgado, the trip moved to Beira. Here, lively discussions with the LGBTQ+ community provided a platform for marginalized groups, amongst others with associations like TIBESSANE, TAKAEZANA, and LAMBDA.
In other instances, groups such as AMOR, FACE and Repensar – working on environmental conservation and climate change – held discussions with the ambassador to share their work about mitigating the impacts of climate change and the challenges they face in the process.
One of the most striking moments of the visit was the contagious enthusiasm of the Ambassador, who brought with him a vibrant energy throughout his stay. This enthusiasm, combined with his genuine joy, made everyone involved in the activities feel deeply connected and engaged. This experience reflected the positive impact that enthusiastic youth leadership can have on ongoing discussions and initiatives.

Young persons in agribusiness in Manica - Chimoio (Beira Corridor)
In Chimoio, the Youth Ambassador's visit highlighted the importance of training young persons and creating sustainable opportunities in agribusiness. At the Marera Agricultural Institute, young students from various regions of Mozambique receive practical training in agriculture and entrepreneurship, preparing them for the job market whilst encouraging the creation of businesses in the communities with the support of the Mangwana program, a program funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The challenges raised include the difficulty of access to land, access to credit, and lack of skill training in rural areas. Discussions with partner organizations underlined the need for an integrated approach that connects education, resources, and market knowledge to strengthen young people's participation in agribusiness.
The discussions demonstrated the importance of involving young persons in national issues, especially in marginalized areas where support for youth entrepreneurship, agribusiness and sustainable solutions is essential. As such, the conversations reaffirmed the merit of committing to empowering young persons and supporting their leadership for creating a more inclusive and sustainable future; perhaps the main reason why the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands centralizes youth in its programming.

Key takeaways and highlights of the visit
The visit to Mozambique highlighted the positive and significant impact of the youth projects that have been implemented across the country. Initiatives by the organizations involved in the meetings have provided many young persons with real opportunities. This, too, was confirmed by the youth in attendance, who reported training in technical skills had changed their prospects and increased their ability to generate income.
The Ambassador took great satisfaction in witnessing the young people's commitment to transforming their lives and their communities through these projects, demonstrating that investments in training and technical support can produce profound and long-term results.
The lessons learned from the Ambassador
The Ambassador's presence brought important lessons for both the young persons and the organizers of the meeting. His empathetic approach and genuine interest in understanding local challenges served as an example of how diplomacy can foster meaningful social change.
Through his words and actions, the value of international partnerships that prioritize human development and economic inclusion in vulnerable areas became clear. The Ambassador also stressed the importance of a dialogue between international institutions and local youth, promoting the exchange of ideas to tackle regional challenges in a collaborative way.
The visible hope for a better future
Throughout the discussions, the hope for a better future driven by the resilience and hard work of young persons became clear. Their contributions to a paradigm shift in Cabo Delgado and beyond were evidently inspiring, as they seek not only their own economic growth, but also the development of their communities.
Impact in communities drew on small initiatives that can generate great impact, always emphasizing that modern day youth in Mozambique reflect a generation that is determined to break cycles of vulnerability and exclusion.
The importance of involving young persons in national issues
The visit reaffirmed the importance of involving young persons in discussions and decisions on national issues, especially in marginalized areas like Cabo Delgado. This not only strengthens social cohesion, but also ensures that more inclusive solutions are created that can be adapted to local realities.